Written on 12/02/2019
Saray B


I could share with you many reasons why I decided to study psychology.

But I will summarize it this way: it is exciting! Few disciplines go beyond professional performance to enrich us as people, to allow us to grow and have a much broader vision of our reality. I am Capellana, and my love for the community, for my family and for myself drives me despite not being an easy race, it is an adventure that is definitely worth it.

The day I attended the first class at the College and got in touch with that wide range of subjects that integrate the degree of psychology, many questions came to my mind. There are those who experience a certain astonishment when they have dozens of books, theories and different points of view to understand and know how to differentiate.

This was really the career of the future. It had to do with what I really want and dreamed? That of the experimental designs: a world in which mathematics is still present and is outlined as always with great success. I could conclude that it is the daily work and contact with each of the fields that make up this science that finally makes you wake up to its fascinating universe and begins to chart its own path.


In a world full of challenges, it can be said that its fields of action are multiple and that with a good specialization we can build an enriching and exceptional professional future.

I have a beautiful home, a wonderful husband whom I love with all my heart and a beautiful daughter who is my wonderful reason to move forward and I am sure that my love and service to God and the community will make this a successful journey!

We want to launch a change and train in something different, studying psychology will always be a good option. I have made my own reflection, in which no doubt two important points will be to ask myself: what did you seek to achieve? And what would I like to offer to others?


Psychology is an exchange where we can grow as we train, so that we can offer our best for the benefit of others. Let's see now what advantages the degree of psychology can offer us.

1. Psychology helps us better understand ourselves

As we delve into all these theories mentioned above, in the different approaches to personality, human development or how culture impacts our behavior, we will make more flexible one aspect of ourselves and others.

Studying psychology has almost led me to ask myself many questions. Questions, of course, that do not always have an answer, but will become a reason for constant search, a persistent adventure where I know every day a little more and where leaving behind certain schemes, attitudes and ideas that were previously possible is possible, has there was a wider world even allowing me to understand life a little better and why not, the Bible and the behavior of my fellow men.

It has allowed me to deepen some Biblical concepts and strengthen my faith, understanding that "Faith comes by" hearing "the word of God. What we hear will remain in us and will have no effect, if we are a "dirty vessel," we will contaminate the new knowledge with our prejudices. The best option is to enjoy what we learn and internalize it. Once the theory is "ours" and we understand it from the inside we can be more critical.

I have learned to value scientific methods and understand that psychology is not magic. We are not mentalists nor do we have a radar in our eyes that allows us to capture in 15 seconds and a half what trauma the person in front of us hides, what he fears or what his strengths are. It is also possible that more than once our friends, acquaintances or relatives drop us the recurring and classic phrase of "sure you're already analyzing me."

«Raising new questions, new possibilities, considering old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks a real advance in science».

-Albert Einstein-

Psychology, as we know, accumulates countless false myths that will accompany us in many contexts, whether we like it or not. However, there is one aspect that we must be clear from the "zero" minute: psychology is a social science that relies on the scientific method.

It is necessary to understand that in order to reach certain conclusions, certain data and assessments, we start from a laborious, objective and patient work based always on a series of research methods; It is precisely there where professional success resides. It disrupts some concepts of popular psychology, which attracts the attention of the masses a lot and that we see daily in magazines or social networks and that has nothing to do with reality.

I have developed critical thinking because of the theories, approaches and areas that make up psychology studies, it has helped me develop critical thinking. Whether we want it or not, it is an essential requirement if we want to be good professionals, if we really want to be useful to people without losing their integrity and their own honor. Only then can we differentiate the truth from the lie, and the reality of manipulation.

I have acquired a broader understanding of human relationships.

It has allowed me to understand that the human being is "Tripartite". That his spiritual part needs to be filled just like the soul "deposit of emotions and intellect" and that the body "physical part. That the traumas can cause depression and anxiety and that each person does not attend to their basic needs can fail in their emotional relationships expressing their small phobias and limitations.

It has allowed me to appreciate human development at all stages of life and to be surprised at how wise and wonderful God is!


Assessing how we develop, how we change people throughout our lives not only gives us valid knowledge. It makes us more sensitive and open to the problems of others and to the suffering or doubts that may be associated.

Understand human behavior no less important, since psychology reveals the stages of our development, such as childhood or old age. In them we may also find our passion or a reason to spend time in our service to the community.


I have developed a new perception about mental illness.

I have been able to tear down many of the myths and stories told about mental illness. Now I know the differences between what is a syndrome, a disorder and a disease.


You will realize that drugs do not cure certain diseases, they just "treat" them. You will discover in your own skin the complexities of making a diagnosis, the many nuances that there are after a depression, an anxiety disorder or a schizophrenia.

My vision is to achieve a specialty for my passion and power as a Chaplain and Psychologist to grow and serve better in the field of health.

Not all psychologists are psychoanalysts or follow Freud's principles; Moreover, there are many more who do not follow them than those who follow them. Not everyone practices hypnosis or does their job in the clinical setting. Studying psychology has given me the possibility to train more professionally every day.

Psychology has been a perfect complement to my discipline as Capellana
Beyond having a much stronger curriculum, studying psychology has enriched me and allowed me to understand much more human behavior, social interaction, language, communication, motivation, emotions, decision making ... These are many processes essential times to have a more complete view of the rest of science.

I have learned to communicate much better and share positive concepts that raise the living standards of other people as I have achieved on my own.


Not only to improve our ability to speak in public, but we will be able to communicate better with ours, understand who we have in front through their nonverbal communication, their tone of voice and expressions to build a more empathic dialogue and effective.


It has been a great step into the world of science and has led me to the best time of my life.

To be able to say: "This is my thing", I want to go deeper into that area, I want to be useful in that type of discipline, I want to help this area.


Sometimes it is neuroscience and its mysteries, in other cases it is a certain type of therapy, other times it is the clear desire to help the world of childhood or to focus on that more experimental area where to develop certain research. The field of psychology is so extensive that we all find our place at any given time.

How Capellana I encourage you to undertake this sensational journey that does not disappoint "almost" anyone and that with God's help will be a success.


Triglia, A, Regader, Bertrand, and García-Allen Jonnatahn, (2016). Psychologically speaking. Paidós

Sheena Iyengar, (2006). The Art of Choosing. Psychology Press


Pink, Daniel (2010). The surprising truth about what motivates us. 2000 management.

Butler-Bowdon, Tom (2004). 50 Psychology Classics: Who We Are, How We Think, What We Do: Insight and Inspiration from 50 Key Books. New York: H. Books.