Tips for Building Muscle Volume

Written on 12/02/2019
Andrea Ebenezer

Capellan Juseph Gómez

The Nutrition

 All of us who begin to practice physicoconstructivism, mainly want to build muscles as big and strong as possible and of course as we progress we are more.

Demanding: Muscle separation, vascularity (veins), cuts and more muscle size.  The results that you can obtain depend, among other things, on your good genetic predisposition, good nutrition and properly programmed training.


Bodybuilding is the sport where food is most talked about, always trying to find the secrets to improve muscle growth.  Very often we look for fashion accessories, the most up-to-date or the most commercial brands, believing that they can be fundamental in nutrition.

 Unfortunately, these are expensive products and some do not guarantee the results that people expect.

These products also lend themselves so that the people who take care of the instructions inside the gyms sell at stratospheric prices taking advantage of the fact that the athlete wants to gain weight at the place and eats what his advisor tells him.  But many times the instructors do not have enough bases to prepare a high performance athlete or professional.

There are many myths and fallacies about nutrition, therefore, people try to find the panacea that gives them the advantage or success in competitions.  However, sometimes the experiments they perform do not have as many results as they expected.

Food is a practice that every human being has done since birth, so this becomes very common, stopping him from giving the right importance.  Recall especially that the source of life is carried out, nothing more and nothing less, than food.  Thanks to them we can find all the nutrients we need, as long as they are eaten in sufficient quantities, since these are the ones that are responsible for contributing to the regeneration of all tissues and avoiding the diseases that today harass us.

Nutrition has evolved in recent years and more and more properties have been found in food, thanks to the Science of Food Technology.  This is responsible for studying their properties, so it is now easier for nutrition professionals to better balance food and consequently nutrients.

All these discoveries have also benefited the sport in general, mainly to bodybuilding, which is one of the most jealous that exist at a nutritional level, in which the bodybuilder is the one who cares most about his nutrition.

 One of the nutrients that give more emphasis is to proteins, since these are the ones that are responsible for the regeneration of muscle tissues, but they also have other functions such as the regeneration of nails, hair, skin, etc.  In fact, sometimes bodybuilders consume them too much, so much that the body uses them as energy, which at an economic level represents a very high expense.

This nutrient is recommended to be consumed moderately or with care because large concentrations of protein can damage the kidneys, resulting in kidney failure.

The main foods that contain good protein quality are chicken, fish, eggs, mainly the white, since the yolk contains a lot of fat and cholesterol (250mg per yolk), milk, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese, cotagge cheese, tuna and turkey.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy.  Of all the nutrients it is the one that should be consumed mostly in the daily diet, approximately 50 to 60%.

 They are classified into simple and complex carbohydrates.  The simple ones are found in table sugar, fruits and vegetables.  The complexes are in all cereals.  The abuse of these foods can promote the increase of adipose tissue or one of the most dangerous diseases in Mexico that is diabetes.  In this way we set the pattern that this nutrient, like the others, should be consumed in regulated quantities.  Later on you will deepen about each nutrient.

Fats are a nutrient that is very feared in the world of bodybuilding, but that is also essential for the body, since without its presence you run the risk of having a deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin E, known as  alpha tocopherol, vitamin D or cholecalciferol, vitamin A or retinol and vitamin K or menaquinone.  These vitamins can only be synthesized in the presence of fats.

Fats are also classified as saturated, which are of animal origin and polyunsaturated, which are of plant origin.  Generally those of plant origin are recommended, which in correct amounts are vital for the organism.  These contain sunflower seeds, nuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, cashews, among others.

 Saturated fats are less recommended because they are of animal origin and there is a history that they promote the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries and the elevation of triglycerides in the blood.

Vitamins are also essential substances for the metabolic and physiological functioning of living beings.  It is important to mention that these substances are recommended in relatively small amounts since high consumption can bring a toxicity called hypervitaminosis.

There is a classification of vitamins in fat-soluble and water-soluble.  Earlier it was mentioned that fat soluble are synthesized in the presence of fats.  Water soluble are synthesized by means of water.  Its consumption is important, since these can avoid some diseases and also act in the energy metabolism.  It has been shown that vitamins do not give energy on their own and it is important to mention this because people consume megadoses thinking they find the answer to the exhaustion of the daily routine.

We find them in products of plant origin (vegetables, fruits) and products of animal origin.  It is important to mention that it is advisable to use the vitamins of natural products and in this way food will also provide you with other elements, such as fiber.  On the other hand, if they only consume supplements, their disposition is not as effective as the natural one and, in addition, their cost is very high.

 In muscle, creatine is found in 40% in isolation and the remaining 60% in the form of phosphocreatine, that is, in the energy-charged form.  In a man of 70 kg of body weight there are about 120 grams of total creatine.

Creatine and its energy-charged derivative have a major role in the regulation and maintenance of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) that is used for muscle contraction.  At the beginning of a movement, the ATP that is consumed at that time must be recovered very quickly since the concentration in the muscle of this substance must always be constant.  The energy needed to recover the adenosine triphosphate that has just been spent comes from the rupture of the bond between creatine and phosphorus.

 Phosphocreatine is the most abundant reserve of energy in the form of phosphate bonds in the muscle and the fastest mechanism to recover ATP.  The amount of P Cr is one of the most important limitations in muscle performance in high potency activities.  The availability of free creatine has been considered essential for the recovery of phosphocreatine.  The latest studies show that the use of phosphocreatine begins to decrease after 2 seconds of maximum exercise thanks to the contribution of the energy-obtaining system of anaerobic glucose use, which takes about 3 seconds to get going.  This demonstrates that the energy of creatine phosphate bonds serves to maintain the amount of ATP needed until the lactic anaerobic system begins to intervene.

 Overall it could be schematized according to the following processes:

  After 20 to 30 seconds of maximum activity the recovery of ATP from phosphocreatine has almost disappeared and the lactic acid system can only supply adenosine triphosphate at half its total capacity.

The consequence of this situation is that the amount of ATP in the muscle is reduced and the strength and power decrease.  It can be assumed that it is the decline in ATP recovery that produces this decrease in yield.

  All these data suggest that if we have a mechanism capable of increasing the amount of intramuscular P Cr, the decrease in ATP during potency activities will be delayed.

Creatine is renewed continuously in the body.  About 2 grams of creatine are lost per day in the form of creatinine that is recovered by feeding especially meat or by synthesis that begins in the kidneys where from the amino acids glycine and arginine an intermediate product is formed that goes to the  liver where the molecule is completed with the participation of the amino acid methionine.  However, more recent studies show that creatine supplementation can increase the total amount that is stored in the muscles.  It has been shown that taking 20 grams daily of creatine (5 grams dose four times a day) for 5 days increases the amount of creatine and phosphocreatine in muscle tissue by 20%.

The relationship between this muscle phosphocreatine load and sports performance is evident.  The most important effect is the improvement of anaerobic potency due to fatigue delay.  In power exercises the increase in performance is between 5 and 7%.  The advantage of these effects is that the athlete can train at greater intensities so that his training techniques will be more beneficial.

The effects of creatine supplementation seem clear according to the latest research;  However, there are some considerations and precautions to consider when starting a creatine supplementation cycle.  First, there is a limit on the storage capacity of creatine in the muscle.  Under normal conditions, muscles with a mixed composition of fast and slow fibers have an amount of 15 grams of creatine per kg of muscle.  The creatine accumulation limit is 19-20 grams per kg of muscle tissue, so using higher doses than those mentioned (20 gr / day x 5 days) makes no sense. A second aspect to consider is  that the aforementioned effect may not be evident in people who by their constitution already have deposits rich in creatine, so the effect of an overload has no use.  Finally, it should be remembered that the way creatine is eliminated is in the form of creatinine and that excess consumption overloads the kidney and is contraindicated in people with kidney disorders.  It is still premature to ensure that the creatine load does not produce side effects in the body so you have to be cautious in the consumption of these supplements.

Nutrition, Ivan Humberto Gòmez Morales